Saturday, July 16, 2011

Part 2 of the big post

...After I got back from Hawaii I felt pretty good but the spotting started back up again. (Guess Hawaii is the cure all : ) ) I had an u/s every two weeks until 20 weeks to make sure the SCH was resolving. The spotting lasted off and on for two weeks and was completely gone by about 17 weeks. The ultrasounds showed it getting smaller and smaller and by 18 weeks, Dr. considered it resolved. At my 20 week u/s, there was so sign of it.

The rollercoaster of emotions I had during that time were hard. It's hard to think things will be ok when you are cramping and spotting. Especially since all my past miscarriages started that way. If I was a hermit before that, I was even more of one during that time. I got used to the spotting, but I still didn't want to go out and do fun, normal, everyday things. Looking back I wish I had, I think it would have been a good distraction. But I don't know how much of my heart would have been into it.

At our big 20 week u/s, we got to find out what we were having and they did a thorough anatomy check. They were able to see everything except the heart because of the way the baby was positioned. So I have to go back in three weeks to re-check it. Apparently that happens a lot though. The baby was in such a ball the tech had a very hard time getting a shot of the goods. She had me get up, than changed my positions, then jiggled my belly. Finally she was able to make an educated guess. Then towards the end, she got a good shot and was able to tell us for certain that it's a...


(I won't show a picture of the goods)

Meet our little man. He weighed a whopping 15 oz. at 20 weeks and measured 21 weeks. We have a name picked out but that'll be another post later on.

I've been feeling pretty good, besides the normal wonderful pregnancy symptoms, but I'll take those any day. I'm starting to show, but some days I just look fatter in the belly area than anything.

Before I got pregnant, I had this vision of myself doing weekly updates on my blog with a belly shot. Well, since I took a break from blogging, I wasn't able to do any of that. Maybe I will start doing weekly updates, but for now I have one belly shot at 24w4d.

So there you have it. My story so far. I'm hoping the rest of the story will be uncomplicated and lead me to a healthy baby boy come October 31st.

                 For you are fearfully and wonderfully made...Psalm 139



Lindsey said...

Gah! Elise! I'm so happy for you! YAY! Congrats on your baby boy! A halloween baby too, so fun! :)

anonomity said...

Oh my gosh, CONGRATS!!!! So thrilled for you! :-)

Anonymous said...

Elise, I don't know if you will remember me...I had a blog a while back and we had e-mailed back and forth a couple of times. I was thinking of you and looked up your blog to see how you are and I am so thrilled that you are pregnant! Many many blessings to you and your family. I am still TTC, about 19 months now...we may see an RE soon, but we are hoping and praying for a miracle in the meantime. God bless. - Kelly

Elise said...

I do remember you Kelly! Thank you so much for your kind words.
I hope you get your miracle very soon! Feel free to email me anytime!